Breakups are rough. After you’ve drowned your sorrows in something harsh, you might wind up realizing that all you want to do is beg for a second chance – whether you were the dumpee, or even the dumper. You can get the essential strategies on how to get back your ex-girlfriend with our complete list below. Who knows – she might want you back just as much.
Face Facts on Why the Breakup Happened
Try to understand why things went as they did. It’s a matter of differing expectations and maturity levels more often than it is because you left the toilet seat up one too many times. If things haven’t changed much from how they were when the relationship ended, it’s usually not worth trying to start things again – it’s just going to go down the exact same road.

Go Hard on Self-Improvement
A little bit of self-improvement never hurt anyone’s chances, so try to think about places where you can brush up. Did she always complain that you were lazy and unmotivated, or that you were always way too jealous? Work on these character flaws before you even try to get back in contact.
Get Back in Contact with Her, But Give Her Space
You’ve got to send her that first terrifying text or email, but skip the creepy stalker routine. Give her the space she needs to live her life and think about whether she wants you back in it.
Remember: You’ve Got to Convince Her That You’re Worth Taking Back
Don’t act like an entitled punk – she’s under no compulsion to take you back if she doesn’t want to. If you’ve changed or matured, prove it. Approach this like a job interview; except it’s a job interview where the interviewer might call you “Dickhead”.
Skip the Expensive Gifts, and Go for Things That Matter
Women aren’t vending machines – you don’t just pump money into them until you get a bag of sexual Doritos. Thus, she’s not going to be won back over to you if you buy her diamonds and iPads. (If she is, well, you might want to reconsider this relationship.) Fix the bonds with actions, not new earrings.

Be Prepared to Talk Things Out – at Length
Grown-up relationships require grown-up discussions, so don’t shrink away at the prospect of sharing your feelings. This has to happen if you want this to work out.
She Might Be Mad at You, But Don’t Make Yourself Suffer
She might have reasons to be upset, but don’t put yourself in a situation where she’s constantly hurling emotional or physical abuse at you. If she’s not willing to work out and resolve your relationship problems like a grown-up and skip the psychological torment zone and grudges, you might wind up learning that you were better broken up, after all.
Accept that She May Have Moved On
Whether it’s her career, her friends, her education, or even a new beau, she may have moved on from you, and you’ve got to accept that. If you seriously love her and want her to be happy, sometimes you’ve just got to accept that it was never meant to be with you. You’ll find love too – just give yourself some time to sort it out. For more essential relationship tips, don’t miss The Ex Recovery System. It’ll give you the edge you need to forge a lasting relationship.