There are a lot of ways that cam girls might try to get more cash out of you on a cam site, and while some of them might seem legit, it’s still kinda sneaky. We can’t specifically say that these are cam site scams, but they certainly will end up costing you more money, and that’s obviously not the sort of thing that you’re going to want to waste your time with when you’re trying to have fun online.
If you’re looking at some of the tricks that cam girls do online on a regular basis, you probably have an idea of what you want to avoid. Unfortunately, there are a lot of guys out there that just aren’t educated in the grand scheme of this sort of thing, and we’re here to help eradicate that. With our guide, it’s going to end up being much easier for you to cover all of your bases, be safe, and not end up being taken for a wild ride by some of these cam girls.
Watch that timer.
Whenever you’re using cam sites, it’s important that you don’t end up sticking around in private chats for way too long. The thing is, these girls know how to work that timer. They know how to keep you talking rather than actually making them do their jobs quickly and efficiently, and that’s what you’re going to want to be careful about. Always make sure that you’ve talked out the kinds of shows that you want before you end up hopping in a private; that’s going to save you a ton of cash.
You want to probably take the time to send her a personal message on these sites in order to set up your perfect private chat. If you do this, you can discuss what you’re looking for in a private chat, and this can give her a chance to properly prepare. If she already knows what you’re looking for, she’s not going to end up having an excuse when it comes to your private chat; you can actually end up getting straight to the fun, dirty stuff, and a lot less of her chatting, negotiating, and rummaging around on you.
Be ready beforehand.
Another way that a lot of cam girls are going to try and milk that timer and get more cash out of you is taking way too much time to get ready for you. It’s one thing if you want her to dress up into that costume for you, but it’s another thing if you expect her to be ready, and she simply isn’t. She should already take the time to have all of her toys and necessary things ready for you before you start, and if she does that, that’s going to cut down on time and money exponentially.
Before you end up starting a chat with her, ask to see her change into the clothes, and ask her to have the toys ready and show them to you. If you do this, you’re probably not going to end up seeing a ton of extra charges. You’ll be able to shave off some expensive minutes, and that’s going to end up making your wallet a lot happier. You’ll end up having a more satisfying show, and you can be in and out the door before you end up breaking the bank with a ton of unnecessary charges.
Don’t let her trick you into different shows.
It’s one thing if you’re willing to spend a ton of cash on a cam site, but it’s something else if a cam girl is trying to get you to move your business off of that cam site and onto another way of getting shows out of her. Never, ever send her cash through Paypal for a private Skype show or something along those lines. There’s no way that you can end up monitoring the amount of quality that you’re looking for. You won’t have any chance to contact customer support if you do something like this.
Being able to safely have a cam show with her is important, and that’s why you always need to be able to protect yourself. Make sure to always be firm in your requests, and polite. Make sure that she’s aware of what you need, and make sure that you don’t let her end up milking that clock for all it’s worth. Without a doubt, cam girls do want to please you, and that means that you’re just going to need to talk to her frankly about what you’re looking for…and what you simply aren’t! Be careful out there.