Being discreet when it comes to cams is important, and it’s going to end up saving you a lot of grief in the long run if you can do it properly. A cam habit isn’t anything to be ashamed of, but you still need to be mindful of those around you, and if you think that your spouse or girlfriend is going to be upset with you, then you’ve obviously got to keep it under wraps.

If you want to know how to not get caught, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve been using cam sites for a long, long time, and we really do know how to make sure that everything stays wrapped up and secret where it belongs. From our experience, keeping a cam site habit secret isn’t difficult. It just requires a little bit of common sense, and if you want to know how to cover up your habits, then we can definitely help you.
Watch your payment methods.
The first step that we can end up giving you a tip of when it comes to keeping your live cam site fun secret is to always watch how you’re paying for them. Cam sites don’t need to break the bank, and they especially don’t need to come out of a joint bank account that your significant other can see. If you have a separate credit card, that really is going to end up being the best option. The same goes for a Paypal account. If you can keep those things separate, that can end up covering your butt for awhile.
In general, cam sites are going to work hard to appear discreetly on your bills, but that doesn’t mean that your spouse can’t simply Google and find out about that sort of thing. Always make sure to keep it separate, and that’s not going to end up being an issue. You also want to make sure that you’re never overstepping any budget bounds and spending cash that isn’t yours. This can end up really ruining a relationship, and that’s not what cam sites should be all about at the end of the day.
Lock that door.
This might sound like a pretty darn common sense tip, but a lot of guys out there don’t really seem to understand the usefulness of a closed door. If you’re going to use a cam site, you always want to make sure that you’re alone, and that you aren’t going to be interrupted. This means don’t waste your time accessing cam sites in the middle of your living room; you always want to end up chatting up these hot ladies in the privacy of your office or bedroom. By doing this, you’re going to really end up covering your butt, and a lock on that door can’t hurt, either.
Another step to this is making sure that all of your stuff is password protected. Any spouse will be curious of this, and that’s why you want to let them know that it’s just for the sake of work, or so that others can’t end up accessing your information. Keep your password different on your computer than from your e-mail; by doing so, anyone that wants to snoop isn’t going to end up being able to get into your private cam site information, or see what you’ve been doing in your spare time.
Always, always close out afterwards.
Don’t end up leaving your cam sites up and running whenever you leave the room. It’s just like someone walking in on you watching porn, and if you leave that right up there on your computer, then it’s no one’s fault but your own. You want to always make sure that you’re covering your tracks by closing your cam sites after the fact, and by doing this, it’s unlikely that you’re going to end up having someone see what you’ve been up to.
To take this another step further, you should also make it a regular habit to clear your browser cookies after you’re doing. Always archive your e-mail messages as well, and make sure that you’re regularly cleaning out your trash. If you don’t want anyone to know about your cam site habit, all of these tips will be doing a very good job of covering your tracks, and making it incredibly easy for you to live out your fun life of using cams unhindered. No matter who might be snooping over your shoulder, you can always make them go away with that handy locked door–we’re sure of that much, so don’t forget it.