Sometimes it can seem impossible to actually get the girl. Online dating and hookup apps like Tinder allow you to access more women in your area than ever before, but there’s still guys out there who can’t seem to catch a break. If you’re reading this, you’re probably one of them. The unfortunate reality is that if you’ve tried to get in touch with dozens of girls and just can’t ever make it past the first date, the problem is you, not them. The good news is that you can tweak your behavior and start fresh. One key factor to getting a second date that too many guys overlook is keeping a low interest level. Here’s what you need to know about how not to look desperate.

Desperation is not attractive.
One of the most important dating tips that you’ll ever hear is that desperation is not attractive to women. If you’re scrambling to get anyone at all to date you, women will think that must mean there’s something wrong with you and that they should steer clear. It’s important to have confidence, or to at least fake it ’til you make it. Don’t beg women for dates, their contact information, or even to continue a conversation that they seem to have lost interest in. You’re better off moving to the next girl rather than groveling for someone’s time.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
If you’ve found a woman online that you’re interested in, don’t try to dominate all of her time. Chatting regularly is one thing, but you don’t need to keep in touch with her every minute of the day. Give her some room to breathe and don’t make it seem like you have nothing better to do than talk to her 24/7. It might seem like a romantic gesture, but to women it doesn’t look good if you seem to be sitting around doing nothing all day long except waiting for them to reply. Let her start the conversation sometimes and allow for some silence so that she can grow to miss you when you’re not there, instead of getting sick of you monopolizing her time online.

Let her pick dates and times to meet up.
Another way to keep your interest level looking low is to let her decide when and where she wants to meet up. Not all women like to have to decide this, but you should give her the chance to pick out a date first. This not only appears less desperate than immediately choosing a location yourself, it also means that she won’t be able to pull the classic “I’m busy then” excuse on you.
Don’t get carried away.
One important thing to remember is that you shouldn’t get too carried away with showing disinterest. Women do want to have your attention if you’re dating them, so you’ll need to learn to walk the fine line between desperation and being too uninterested. If you can perfect appearing confident, you’ll notice a significant boost in your dating life.