Well, how do you know?
How to know if you’re ready for a relationship again? It’s a question at some point we all ask ourselves, especially after a devastating breakup. If you’re reading this, we hope you’ve gotten to a place where you have accepted the breakup and you’re ready to move on. You deserve to move on and one bad breakup should not hinder your happiness.
Now let’s discuss what is said to be true since the beginning of time: don’t rush into a new relationship just to forget about an old one. If you’re still dwelling on your ex, then you aren’t quite ready.
Starting Out
This article is meant to provide some tips and offer advice for other men on the subject. What’s written is from personal experience and you may find that some of the tips just don’t apply to you. Look at each piece of advice objectively and try to apply it to your situation. Otherwise, just give your wounds time to heal.
Sign #1
The first indication that you are ready for a relationship again is that you are looking again. You aren’t jumping out there too soon, but it’s been a while and you’re starting to notice other women. This means looking for potential, not just someone to roll around the bed with for a night and never see again. Looking for the next special woman that you could see yourself spending time with and getting to know is a sure sign that your heart is looking for something new.
You may have a woman in mind already, but you just haven’t found yourself approaching her yet. Our advice? Do it. When we’re not ready for another relationship, our friends could place the perfect person in front of us and we will tell them we don’t like the way they chew their foodso it won’t work. Once we’re ready, we are open to playing the field again and we join on our own time.
Sign #2
Your next clue to tell if you’re ready for a relationship again is that you have put on clean underwear again. Sounds a little funny, right? But sometimes after a break-up we let ourselves go a little bit. Who are we trying to impress if we don’t have a girlfriend to look good for? Your facial hair gets scraggly, your clothes don’t get washed like they should. What’s the point if there’s no woman around to complain about it?
But once we start to groom ourselves again daily and make an effort to look good, we are trying to impress someone and thinking about ourselves again. Before you were ready, you would stand in front of the hot ass girl in the check out line with three-day_old sweatpants, oily hair and flip-flops that reveal sharp toenails and hairy feet. Did you care? Nope. You were in the grocery store for a 12-pack of Budweiser and some Cheetos.
Now that you’re ready, you’re not only looking for a new mate, but you are dressing and presenting yourself in a manner that will attract them.
Sign #3
The final clue is that you have given yourself time to be alone and no longer need to live solitarily. The single most important thing to do after a breakup is to spend some time with yourself. The social media heads even created a new word for it called “masturdating” – get the joke? This period of time is when you spend more alone time to focus on yourself, your problems and what you want in life.
Spending time with yourself, enjoying things you like and most importantly not rushing another relationship is healthy for post-breakup men. It’s key to being ready, and if you’ve spent an adequate amount to yourself then you are ready for a relationship again.
You may be thinking to yourself, that’s it? Just looking and time? Yep, that’s it. We’re not all the same and we don’t handle our emotions in the same manner as the next person, but one thing that is definite is that we are instinctive creatures. Listen to your instincts and you’ll know when the time is right.