There are many places to pick up a potential date or partner for a relationship, no matter what the extent of it will be. Women and men both are often picked up in bars and restaurants, introduced via friends and personal connection, and meet because of other unforeseen circumstances. Others, however, happen to find love or the sexual relationship they’re looking for at their own place of employment. It’s not often that people purposefully scope out potential love interests while working, but happy accidents do happen, and many successful couples have met via working together and creating a lasting relationship. However, dating a coworker can be tricky due to job obligations that only further complicate the already present needs of a relationship. Still, you can successfully have a fulfilling relationship with someone you work with and make it last.
The thrills of office romance.
Office and work relationships can actually be very thrilling. Because there’s often a sense of danger and caution involved in being together while being employed in the same company, this can add an extra level of excitement to a relationship. One reason why many workplaces affairs don’t work is because the guilty parties get too wrapped up in themselves and the thrill of their relationship to actually be cautious about getting caught. If you’re someone who is instead just looking for a committed relationship with a coworker without anyone else on the side, then you have a better chance of survival. Remember, a little thrill in a relationship is good. A lot can create turbulence that blows up in your face.

How big a problem is getting caught?
Dating at work can sometimes be a big deal, depending on the company that you work for and how much the other employees around you care. Many companies and businesses don’t have any direct clauses about work relationships, while others have very strict rules about relationships on the job. In most cases, no one will be that concerned as long as there isn’t a power imbalance (such as a boss dating an underling), the relationship isn’t creating a conflict of interest, and the two parties are still doing their jobs. Depending on the situation at your place of work, things may be much different.

Knowing how to keep the relationship afloat.
Just like in any other type of committed relationship, it’s necessary to work hard at making it last. You’ll need to figure out if the feelings you have for each other are those that belong in a little office fling or if you really want to go the distance. If you both feel like this could be a long-standing serious relationship, be prepared to have to work extra hard to make things turn out in your favor. Working together can cause a lot of problems, especially if you work together closely. Work scenarios sometimes spill into your personal lives, causing friction. Three great ways to keep things going smoothly are to keep things spontaneous and fresh, never bring work home with you, and to be aware of the consequences of breaking up with someone you work with.